
HELIOCENTRIS established in 1995, Heliocentris Energy Systems has become a world leader in providing fuel cell and hydrogen technology systems for education, outreach and demonstration.


352E Hydrogen Fuel Cell Model Car - Demo
An excellent demonstration of hydrogen technology. The model car with reversible fuel cell and graduated gas storage cylinders is simple to set up, fun to use and very robust. Great for individuals or small groups.
- Solar module
- Reversible PEM fuel cell (operates as both an electrolyzer and a fuel cell)
- Car chassis with electric motor

Course lesson book (Optional):
A Middle School Introduction to Hydrogen Technology.
Contains 8 experiments for grades 5 !V 10 students using the kit.
All experiments are correlated to the National, California and Texas Science Standards.


350E / 355E Solar Hydrogen Science Kit
Teach science with 21st Century technology. Based on PEM fuel cell technology, our Science Kits are designed to teach principles of chemistry and physics through solar-hydrogen technology. Great for individuals or small groups.

- Solar module
- PEM electrolyzer: No added chemicalsrequired for operation.
- PEM fuel cell
- Load box: Contains 7-position variable resistance, lamp and motor.
- Resource-pack lesson books (In 4 volumes).
- Stopwatch
- Dismantleable PEM fuel cell (* 355E only)
- Direct methanol fuel cell (* 355E only)
- Plastic tub: For easy storage


391E / 392E Professional Science Kit
The Professional Science Kit teaches fundamental principles of chemistry and physics through solar-hydrogen technology. Large, vertically mounted components and easy to read displays are ideal for large group or classroom presentations.
- Solar Module: The solar module can be tilted to vary the incident angle of the light source.
- Electrolyzer: A high-performance PEM electrolyzer, with 65 ml graduated cylinders for gas storage. Requires no
- chemicals for operation, only distilled water (a solid electrolyte is contained within the electrolyzer membrane).
- Fuel cells: 2 PEM fuel cells, can be connected either in series or parallel.
- Load Box: Contains 10-position variable resistance, lamp and motor.
- Display meters (* 392E only)
- Resource-pack lesson books (In 4 volumes).
- 550 mm Panel Support Frame


Che Scientific Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd.
18/F, Unit D, Roxy Industrial Centre, 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.
TEL: +(852) 2481 1323    FAX: +(852) 2418 1302
E-mail: sales@chescientific.com     Website: http://www.chescientific.com